Thursday, March 13, 2014

Culture of Waste

Remember that Pope John Paul II labeled these times as having a "Culture of Death"?  Out of that belief, and his sadness in that, came his Theology of the Body which instructs us as to the beauty and dignity of who we are as humans.  

Well, have you heard Pope Francis refer to these days being ones of a 'culture of waste'?  Last June (2013) in a general audience he said that people are being sacrificed to the "Idols of profit and consumption."(Quoted in the Pittsburgh Catholic special insert for the 1 year anniversary of being Pope on March 7, 2014, p 5)
He said that when we break our computer we see it as a tragedy, but the poverty of the people around the world, their needs and crises are seen as normal.  And that is a waste.  If the stock market drops 10 points, societies mourn the tragedy.  However, when someone hungry, poor, or homeless dies it doesn't even make the news.  And that is a waste.  "In this way people are thrown aside as if they were trash."  ibid 

What might we do to help put an end to this 'culture of waste'?  What can we do to make a difference in our little corner of the world?  

1 comment:

  1. maybe I could buy less and get rid of some of my stuff. Recycle. pray. treat all people better. buy used?
