My response when someone asks about a specific verse always is to look at its context. The verse you mention is James 2:14. Its context? James has been talking about how to persevere in faith. Earlier he gives the receivers of his letter a rule for living life as a Christian: He says they should be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to get angry (1:19). Then he takes what he has told further and says they must do rather than just hear the word of God (1:22).
James, in following the teaching of Jesus basically says that just formally observing the rituals of faith does not get to the essence of loving God.
So, arriving at your verse (2:14) James then clarifies the difference in faith and works. What he says is that when people truly have faith in God those people show their faith by the works of love they perform to their fellow-men. He says that having faith alone - without works -is like having a body without a soul. It's dead.
He is NOT saying is that people can "work" their way to heaven.
He is saying that it is impossible to show your faith if you are not performing works which demonstrate that faith. Our works demonstrate our faith to others. ie: He is saying: You can say you have faith, but you can't prove it to anyone unless you have works.
Try to prove the reality of your faith without works. Can't be done. People who say they are Christian but don't DO anything aren't viewed as being different than people who aren't Christian. - Actually, they give Christians who are living out their Christianity a bad name!
When we say we are Christian, we mean that we are FOLLOWERS of Christ. Christ performed many wonderful works. When we say we have faith in God we are talking more than just believing in God. We are speaking of a belief in, a devotion to, an allegiance or loyalty to God, often without 'logical' proof. When we say we have faith, that faith is something we Christians are called to LIVE. - as in live the faith!
James reminds us that even demons believe in God (2:19) Having faith is more than believing. It requires a demonstration of what we mean by it.
So, what does James mean when he says, "what good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"
* He's saying, 'don't just talk the talk. Walk the walk of too!'
* He's saying, 'Put your money where your mouth is.'
* He's saying, 'Show me by what you do that you mean what you say.'
* He's saying what Jesus said, "... a tree is known by its fruit." (Matt 12:33)
What kind of fruit are you producing?
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