Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Satanic 'black mass' to be held on Sept 21st! - Pray, pray, pray!

The Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma has been rented by a Satanic group so that they can worship the devil.  The more horrible thing is that the organizers originally planned to desecrate the Eucharist!  They had stolen it (they claim they bought it through the mail from a priest in Turkey) so that they could desecrate it during their 'service.'  They also planned to toss communion wafers to the floor and have their people tromp them.  

The Bishop of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City sued the group to have Jesus returned.   Since the satanists wanted to continue with their worship and not be tied up in legalities, they returned the Blessed Sacrament to the Bishop, promised that they didn't have any more consecrated hosts, and that they would not use any in their ritual.  

The Archbishop dropped the lawsuit, but he has asked us to pray daily for divine protection through the intercession of Holy Michael the Archangel.  Even though tickets are being sold for the event, this is not just some form of dark entertainment.  "This Satanic ritual is deadly serious.  It is a blasphemous and obscene inversion of the Catholic Mass,"  the Bishop told his people.  At one point in the service a satanic 'nun' is supposed to urinate in a chamber pot in front of the 'worshipers.'

This mass is scheduled to happen on September 21st, 2014.  We Christians are being asked to "pray to avert this sacrilege and publicly manifest our faith in the Lord and our loving gratitude for the gift of the holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our lives."  

Oklahoma City officials say their hands are tied as this event is protected by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. (Pittsburgh Catholic Newspaper, Friday, August 29, 2014  pp 1 & 2)

Bishop Zubik, Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh is inviting all people of good will in the Pittsburgh Diocese and surrounding areas to join him in a special time of Eucharistic adoration on that day from 6-9 pm in the John Bernard McDowell Auditorium on the campus of St. Paul Seminary (2900 Noblestown Road, Crafton).  He will conclude the time of adoration with Benediction at 8:45pm.

In the meantime, we are asked to support our brothers and sisters in Oklahoma, and to add support to this battle, through prayer.  Specifically we are asked to prayer the prayer to Holy Michael the Archangel our protector against the devil.

Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the 
heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.   Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This really shows that the Eucharist is the True Presence of Christ! The Satanists wouldn't want a consecrated host just because it looks good. Satan wants Jesus stomped out and he believes our Transubstantiation is real too or he wouldn't want our Communion Host.
