Monday, October 26, 2015

Why do we have a wreath with candles before Christmas? - Karen


A perfectly timed question!  That special wreath is called an Advent wreath.  Advent is the season that marks the beginning of our Church year.  It begins 4 Sundays before Christmas.  It is a season of hope and joyful anticipation of the coming of Jesus.  We prepare to celebrate not only the birth of Jesus, but also we anticipate His 2nd coming.

During advent we remember how the people of Israel waited for Messiah.  It's the time we revisit the stories of the Annunciation and the Visitation. 

Now, about the wreath: Traditionally "an Advent wreath consists of a circle of evergreens and four candles that represent each of the four Sundays of Advent.  The greenery ... reminds us of the new life that Jesus will bring to us."  The evergreen also reminds us that God is ever constant and ever present.  The "circle ... represents God's unending love."  No beginning to that love.  No end to that love.   "The candles on the wreath are usually purple, the liturgical color for Advent, or white.  A pink candle ordinarily is used for the 3rd Sunday of Advent.  [Pink] reminds us to rejoice because the Lord is near.  The light from the candles represents the light that came into the world at Jesus' birth.  A new candle is lit each week."  ("Finding God:  Following Jesus, Loyola Press, 7th grade Parish Catechist Guide. (c) 2014, Loyola Press, Chicago, Ill.  p 225)

That 3rd Sunday of Advent is called "Gaudete" Sunday.  Gaudete is latin for joyful.  We are joyful because Advent is 1/2 over.  Jesus is coming quickly!  Pink is the color that represents joy.

Notice that the colors of the liturgical calendar, the colors of the priest's chasuble, and the colors of the candles match!  The priest wears purple and the cloths of the altar are purple.  That 3rd week He wears a pink chasuble.  (The only other time in the liturgical year the priest wears pink is on the 4th Sunday of Lent - called Laetare Sunday - Laetare also means Joyful.)

Sometimes you will see a large white candle in the center of the Advent wreath.  That is the candle that represents the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world.  It is lit on Christmas. 

What a lovely way to wait for Jesus!!


  1. What am I supposed to do to prepare for Christmas?

    1. Another good question! Preparing for Christmas does not just mean we go shopping, bake cookies, and decorate the house. It also means we do something to get closer to Jesus. Like we do during Lent, we should look for ways to help people in need.
      We should be more prayerful, and maybe read the Bible. We ought to say the rosary more. We should go to Confession. We should think about doing (and do) good deeds for others. We should contemplate Jesus. It's a time to respond, "Yes" to God like Mary did. Good luck preparing this year!
      We could even give up something for Advent like we do for Lent!
