Saturday, June 14, 2014

How can I know what God's mission in life is for me? - Jack

That's one of the million dollar questions!  We all know that we have been made with a special task.  But how do we figure out what that task is?  First of all, we have to be relating with God.  Praying.  Meditating (listening at Mass, reading the Bible which is God's Word to us, etc).  Then we must be utilizing the strengths, the special gifts and talents which God has given us through our personalities.  

We can then determine which path we are to take by knowing what God desires, not just of us, but of everyone. He tells us in the Bible what that is.  And basically, God's desire for everyone is the same.  That's right, His goal for me, for you, and for all of us is is exactly the same! However, how each of us goes about reaching that goal is going to be different.

God tells us through Timothy in his first letter (1 Tim 2:4) that He "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."  That's a pretty clear task!  
Logically progressing, we can first know that our purpose is to fulfill God's desire that we be saved.  Salvation is offered to everyone, but not all people will be saved.  Why?  Because we have a choice.  We can accept God's gift of salvation or we can deny it.  God wants us to accept it.  But He doesn't force us to accept it.  Once we say we accept, then we are invited to come to KNOW the TRUTH.   Know it - as in to be totally intimate with it.  Like a musician knows his instrument; he knows how to take it apart, how to clean it, how to put it away so it doesn't get scratched or damaged, how to tighten the screws, how to wet the reed, how to rosin the bow, etc.  Or to KNOW like I know that (God willing) my husband will be out hunting the Monday after Thanksgiving this year - because I am familiar with his likes and dislikes and his habits, passions, and desires.  I KNOW him.  God doesn't mean KNOW the TRUTH as in know what it/He is, not to just be familiar with it, to be able to talk about it.  He wants us to be intimately knowledgeable with it.  

What is the truth God means?   He told us through His son Jesus.  Jesus (the 2nd person of the Trinity) said, "I am the way and the TRUTH and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  (John 14:6)  And, you know what?  Truth never changes.  God is immutable - unchanging.  And, Truth is God's standard.  

Truth is not what people in these postmodern times tout, 'what's right for me might not be right for you' - because they don't want to seem intolerant.  The Truth was set in stone, literally, over 4000 years ago.  God set the standard. He gave us the TRUTH.  

And, Jack, as uncomfortable as that might make you feel, if you really want to know how God wants you to use your talents and gifts, you have know God.  To know God is to know the Truth.   

Oh, another thought:  (Didn't you know this wasn't going to be a simple, short answer!)  Jesus told his disciples just before He ascended into heaven, "Go ... and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matt 28:19-20) That was part of the last statement he said to them!  That means it was a pretty important message.   

The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that we as Church - that is the PEOPLE - must be obedient to the command of its founder. (CCC 849) We are to bring others into communion with God the Trinity and in that bringing, teach those people to bring others.  We are to reach out to everyone.   

Frank Duff - a holy Irishman who died and is being investigated for sainthood - wrote this:  "The Church is a society in which Jesus Christ lives, and which exists for the purpose of bringing Him to all men.  ... Action is paramount. ... Simple effort must come first. ... Nothing is expected of anybody except what he has got." (Maria Legionis Magazine:  'Each Soul' by the Servant of God, Frank Duff  pp 3-6  May - July 2014 issue)  

Those points make it fairly clear that our purpose is to find God, know God, invite others to find and know God, and to encourage those others to invite others to do the same. How we do that is by using our uniqueness, by taking our gifts and talents which God has bestowed upon us, and being a Christian voice through them.   Can I fulfill that mission as a teacher?  Yes.  Can I fulfill it as a parent?  Yes. What about as a professional skate boarder?  You betcha. What about as a lawyer or a politician?  Yes, even through those.  

Jack, whatever position you are called to be in is the best place you can fulfill your mission - and where you are called to fulfill it!  My gifts will only allow me to come into contact with people who have my interests.  Your gifts will allow you to come into contact with a whole different group of people.  Another person will come into contact with another group etc.   Together, all of us who make up the Church can reach everyone in the world.   

And that's pretty cool, isn't it?

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