Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I’ve heard that Jesus is the New Adam. I’ve also heard that Mary is the New Eve. What does that mean? Mary is Jesus’ mother, not his wife. - Mel

I just love what good questions come to this blog!  Thanks for asking it. :)

Let’s start at the beginning:  God created perfect man and a perfect woman.  Their names were Adam and Eve.  They lived in perfect union with God until they came to a moment in a garden by a tree with a snake – who was Satan.  They had a choice:  They could continue to follow God’s commands or they could choose not to.  By choosing to say, “No,” to God and to eat of the tree, they were banished from the Garden and we – humanity- became in need of salvation.

However, God in His perfect knowledge of who we are knew that this was going to happen, so He had a plan already in place to send Himself – in the form of His Son – who is the 2nd person of the Trinity – to Redeem us.

To bring this about, God sent the 3rd person of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit – to a young girl named Mary – whom he blessed by allowing her to be formed in a perfect state (The Immaculate Conception).  When she was a young teen, God sent a messenger to present her with a choice.  She said, “Yes,” and through this, that Daughter of God became the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the Mother of the Son.

This Son – Jesus – was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit into the womb of Mary.  He was without Sin because He is God the Son. … Now, fast-forward 33 years from that conception:   We have this perfectly formed woman, this perfectly formed man, and Satan (this time in the people who taunted Jesus and told him to call upon his angels to get him down from the cross etc.) gathered at a tree… This time, the Man and the Woman said, “Yes” to God an followed His will for them.   Jesus in dying, Mary at watching her beautiful and perfect grown child be tortured and killed.   It caused great sorrow for both of them.

See the parallel to the Garden:  the perfectly formed man and woman, the tree, Satan, the temptation to turn away from God’s plan?  … So, this story from Adam and Eve is played out again in Jesus and Mary.  Where the 1st Adam and Eve failed and lost their intimacy with God and hence made a need for a Savior, the 2nd Adam and Eve did not fail and they gave us back the ability to be in intimacy with God.  Hence, they are called the New Adam and the New Eve.

Hope this helps clear that up for you!

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